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Ottieni risultati World Wide We (Web marketing Vol. 41) Libro di Baggis Mafe De

World Wide We (Web marketing Vol. 41)
TitoloWorld Wide We (Web marketing Vol. 41)
Dimensione del file1,474 KB
Pages111 Pages
Periodo di tempo58 min 43 seconds
ClassificazioneOpus 192 kHz
Lanciato2 years 1 month 19 days ago

World Wide We (Web marketing Vol. 41)

Categoria: Calendari e agende, Humour
Autore: Baggis Mafe De
Editore: Libreria Monbook, outspace
Pubblicato: 2019-01-01
scrittore: Emma Baumgartner
linguaggio: Finlandese, Spagnolo, Svedese
Formato: eBook Kindle, pdf
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Le Web sémantique ou toile sémantique 1 est une extension du Web standardisée par le World Wide Web Consortium W3C 2Ces standards encouragent lutilisation de formats de données et de protocoles déchange normés sur le Web en sappuyant sur le modèle Resource Description Framework RDF Le Web sémantique est par certains qualifié de Web 30.
A blog a truncation of weblog is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete often informal diarystyle text entries posts Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order so that the most recent post appears first at the top of the web 2009 blogs were usually the work of a single individual citation needed .
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